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Resign, Ms. Bianco Bezich!

May 9, 2021 For Immediate Release For info, contact Website:

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27. 4. 2021

I would be happy to meet you for coffee to discuss your claims. Let me know when you are available.

Anne Walters.

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Jane Martin
Jane Martin
27. 4. 2021

Anonymous misogyny. If you had the true courage of your supposed convictions, you’d sign your name to this piece of pathetic drivel.

Jane Martin

Colonial Avenue

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Herbert Hess
Herbert Hess
27. 4. 2021

I find it ironic that you quote Harry Truman. During his term in office he placed a small sign on his desk "The buck stops here'. President Truman held himself accountable for the decisions he made. You, whomever you (one or many) are, act anonymously, which most take as a sign of cowardice or tacit acknowledgment that your purpose is wrong to begin with.

Whether you are discovered or not, and i hope you are discovered, you will reap the opposite of your intent. While small minded people may agree with your premise that a professional and educated woman who has decided to serve her community is simply a pawn in the George Norcross game of chess, the facts and evidenc…

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